Summ-It Up – Bookkeeping
You sit there and stare at the pile of paperwork which just keeps getting bigger and bigger, move it around to different piles, and then give up for the day again “I’m sure this can wait until tomorrow”. However, if you’re anything like most people running a business, tomorrow never comes as you have far more important things to do – like running your business and doing what you are good at.
Help is at hand!
This is where we come in, we are good at bookkeeping, in fact we love bookkeeping – those screwed-up receipts, and pages of bank statements all bring us joy. We take your records, organise and process your bookkeeping, even storing your records digitally, giving you useful reports (along with any necessities for HMRC like VAT Returns). So rather than bookkeeping being a chore, it becomes easy – post, email or drop your records in to us, we will process them and give you back organisation out of the chaos and a few useful reports to boot.
We have partnered with various software packages which link with Xero (Add Ons). Not only does this make your bookkeeping more efficient, we can use your data to help look to the future, produce Cash Flows, and help you run your business. Check out our Software section for details of our favourite Xero Add Ons.
We just love this app – take a photo on your phone of your Costa Receipt, or email your invoice straight to your email address and whizz, bang, wow – it’s in your Xero Bookkeeping all ready to reconcile to your bank statement when it feeds through from the bank.
The photo or invoice is also attached to the transaction in Xero – replacing your paper copy, so not only do you save time on your bookkeeping, you also save on your storage to boot.
What more is there to say
Get in contact to find out how easy it is to get this set up and running and rejoice in your paperless office of the future… NOW!